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á Bylgjunni kl. 20:00

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Sjá Pistla Bubba




Moon in the gutter


Bubbi - Serbian flower
Serbian flower 1988

Lag og texti: Bubbi Morthens

The moon lives in the tango
time plays tricks on you.
The echo of high heels in tango.
Moves the earth so blue.
The moon is dancing in the gutter
the moon dances with you.

Darkness kiss me gently
my lips are made of glass.
Streets reflections accidently.
Kneeled before the dancing mass.
The moon is dancing in the gutter
the moon dances with you.

The wind swept the secrets from your hair
I tear a hole in the night and a whisper to you
the promises…held by fear
Behind the neon light the tango waits for you.

In my dreams, my days are born
days that crown me soon
Realities ghost blows his horn
awakens me to tango with the moon
The moon is dancing in the gutter
the moon dances with you.

Lagið má finna á eftirtöldum plötum

BMK er aðdáendaklúbbur Bubba Morthens.

Stofnaður 06.06.06
Hvernig gerast menn félagar í BMK? 

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