Lag og texti: Bubbi Morthens, þýðing: Júlian M. Darcy
It was sweetest my love to lie by your side.
Long, dark winter nights by your breast abide.
When the wind is howling in the cold outside.
In the light of the moon our secrets confide.
To laugh and tell jokes we found so sweet.
Cuddling together under your white sheet.
You opened your arms and warm heartbeat.
At last a heaven where true lovers can meet.
In the cool of the dusk I lie and dream and regret.
Let sorrow dwell and keep heart awake.
And miss when you held me so tight.
Memories of the past in the dark of the night.
Grow stronger with every breath I take.
For I’ve grown too old to forget.
Lagið má finna á eftirtöldum útgáfum
Ensk útgáfa lagsins Sonnetta sem fyrst kom út á plötunni Sögur af landi (1990) Þá er einnig til Re-mix af því lagi sem fékk heitið Sonnetta 2 og þá útgáfu má finna á plötunni Bandalög 3