Lag og texti: Bubbi Morthens, þýðing: Júlian D’Arcy
I really don’t know those who in this land abide.
Where on outspread wings the eagles glide.
Where the wolfgrey waves relentlessly boast.
Where starkgowned mountains guard the coast .
A branch takes root by waterfall.
Through the long dark nights the rabbits call.
The blasted heath lies desolate.
Where the norns are weaving webs of fate .
Bloodties whisper hillsides
bloodties whisper rapt eyes
bloodties whisper farmyards
bloodties whisper graveyards
bloodties whisper the mountains, the wind and the ocean
I really don’t know those who sail all year round
Summer and winter seek their fishing ground
I understand those so well who never leave this land
For here stand mountains tall
Here is life’s yearning call
Here the sunshine smiles all sea and sun.
Lagið má finna á eftirtöldum útgáfum
Ensk útgáfa lagsins Blóðbönd. En Bubbi söng inn nokkur laga plötunnar Sögur af landi (1990) á ensku. Eitthvað af þeim hefur komið út á ensku t.d. Síðasti örninn og Sonnetta sem bæði komu út á plötunni safnplötunni Icebrakers (1991) og var nöfnum laganna líkt og þessa lags snúið beint yfir á ensku og nefnd Last Eagle og Sonnet