Lag: Bubbi Morthens, texti: Mike Pollock
Your daddy was a cripple
confined to a chair.
You never learned nothing
exept how to get in to his hair.
He had to hire outside help
to clean up your affairs.
You were used to be being waited on
so You did’nt really care.
Your friend was selling porno
He had a place right on the strip
Smoking dope in chinese robes
was one of his lesser kicks
They shot him down before you
all you could do was laugh
The Police wanted answers
You only gave Your autograph.
What about the Hustler
who had the goods on you.
He was shorterthan his girlfriend
he thought he had a lot to prove
he died for some strange reason
that only he could figure out.
His girlfriend then got mixed up
with some Local talent scout.
What about the gambler
who always let you win
to impress all the suckers
that always follow You back then
I hear that You came close
to talk up his name
Than again he had his soft spots
and You were’nt to hot on games.
You had abouve average intelligence
prone to eptileptic fits
You’re a legend at the Pool Hall
immaculate ass’n tits
The last I heard You were attending
some stuffy school in France
Sporting sno with GO-GO boots
and purple hot pants.
Lagið má finna á eftirtöldum útgáfum
- Utangarðsmenn - 45 rpm (aðeins á sænsku útgáfunni 1981)
- Ýmsir - Flugur (1981)
- Utangarðsmenn - Utangarðsmenn (1994)*
- Utangarðsmenn - Fuglinn er floginn (2000)
- Utangarðsmenn - Geislavirkir (aðeins á 2005 útgáfu plötunnar)*
Í flutningi annara á eftirtöldum útgáfum
- Mike Pollock - Take me back (1981)
Vitað er að Utangarðmenn gerðu oft ýmsar tilraunir með lög sín og texta og er þetta eitt þeirra laga. t.d. er notast við lagið Viska Einsteins í útgáfu þessa lags á Geislavirkir (2005). Og þá er mikill munur á hljómgæðum þessa lags frá einni útgáfu til annarar.