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Temporary Kik / Let’s Go


Utangarðsmenn - Geislavirkir
Geislavirkir 1980

Lag og texti: Mick Pollock

Get into the car
I said the motors running hot.
The feeling in my bones
and it ain’t gonna stop.
The choice is there in front of me,
it’s suicide or bliss.
Either you will hit the mark
or you are gonna miss.

Tonight, kiss your troubles good-bye,
tonight, you’re gonna feel alright.

Stop your desperation babe
I’ll ease your worried soul.
Holding back and counting time
can only take its toll
step into the car
let the motion take your mind
it’s a temporary kick
but it sure feels fine.

Let’s go…

I was born to rock
and stay out all night long.
When the sun starts setting
my heart starts beating strong
This life has got me feeling
like a lion in a cage.
Bars of furstration, animal rage.
They say the world is turning,
but it’s too slow for me
lately the future
Just ain’t what it used to be.

Let’s go……

I was born to travel
across the highways and the skies
if I tried to slow down
I’d just get paralyzed.
your philosophies they bore me
you lead an empty life
the sheep in you is dead afraid
to look me in the eye.
I thrive on rebellion,
heart full of anarchy
yesterday, tomorrow
don’t mean a thing to me.

Lagið má finna á eftirtöldum útgáfum

BMK er aðdáendaklúbbur Bubba Morthens.

Stofnaður 06.06.06
Hvernig gerast menn félagar í BMK? 

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