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3-worlds Undir valmyndinni tímalína er rakin saga Bubba. Undir Molar eru margir skemmtilegir pistlar.
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Stál & Hnífur

á Bylgjunni kl. 20:00

öll mánudagskvöld

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Sjá Pistla Bubba




Voices for freedom


Bubbi - Serbian flower
Serbian flower 1988

Lag og texti: Bubbi Morthens

Show me the freedom, fluttering behind bars
behold the children flesh, covered in scars.
The name of the heroes, that history forgot
the blood that they shed and the battles they fought.

Tears and blood turning into mud.
Father forgive them for they know what they do.

Show me the soldiers, that fight for the king
and wear their bullets like a wedding ring.
The ten commandments written for the slave
nailed on one end the other in his grave.

Tears and blood turning into mud.
Father forgive them for they know what they do.
Show me the parents, that still live in hope
and the generals who smile in the shadow of the rope.
The executioner conducts a symphony of screams
the rise and swell of pain obliterates their dreams

Tears and blood turning into mud.
Father forgive them for they know what they do.

Lagið má finna á eftirtöldum útgáfum

BMK er aðdáendaklúbbur Bubba Morthens.

Stofnaður 06.06.06
Hvernig gerast menn félagar í BMK? 

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